The new interactive STEAM mapping tool allows anyone, anywhere in the world, to “put themselves on the map” to help connect STEAM work and ultimately share best practices and advance the STEAM field.
STEAM is a movement which advocates adding art and design to the national STEM agenda, to develop the creativity and problem solving necessary to foster economic growth and competitiveness in the coming century.
SNAAP (Strategic National Arts Alumni Project) is an annual online survey for graduates of degree-granting arts education institutions - from arts high schools through undergraduate and graduate art and design colleges, conservatories, and more.
This issue of the SNAAP DataBrief takes a different direction and offers some food for thought from SNAAP Research Director, Steven Tepper, about the 120,000 students graduating this spring with a degree in the arts. The data are based on...
By Deborah Obalil, Executive Director, Association of Independent Colleges of Art & Design
As delivered at the Pennsylvania College of Art & Design Commencement 2014
Thank you President Heil for inviting me to deliver the commencement address for this year's graduation. This is a momentous occasion for all in the class of 2014, their parents, loved ones and supporters. I am honored to be here.
To the class of 2014, congratulations! All college graduates work hard to get to this point, but as...
Learn why CCA alumni are pleased they chose to study art at CCA. Hear more about the careers of Ariel Bishop (Fashion Design 2007), Adam Elmaghraby (MBA in Design Strategy 2013), Rema Ghuloum (MFA 2010), Vincent Perea (Illustration 2005), Caydie McCumber (Photography 2009), and Charles Lee (MArch 2008).
Filmed and produced by CCA Photography alumnus Yoni Klein