Jun 15, 2015

Art School Grads Selected for AICAD Teaching Fellowship

Nine AICAD art school / design school alumni have recently been selected to participate in a year-long, post-graduate teaching fellowship at participating AICAD institutions, including Rhode Island School of Design and Maryland Institute College of Art during the 2015/16 academic year. Check out the announcement on Art & Education!

Venice Biennale logo
Apr 13, 2015

SVA Faculty and Alumni at the 2015 Venice Biennale

March 17, 2015 Work by seven SVA alumni and faculty will be included in the 2015 Venice Biennale, one of the art world’s most prestigious venues for exhibition. Taking the name and theme of All the World’s Futures, the 56th edition of the Biennale is curated by Nigerian critic, poet and art historian Okwui Enwezor, and takes place May 9 through November 22. SVA alumni and faculty participating are MFA Fine Arts faculty member Wangechi Mutu, a Kenyan-born multimedia artist best...

Screen shot of Moore Women Artists website

Photo of bird with enrollment information
Mar 03, 2015

MCAD offers free, open course on Biomimicry

The Minneapolis College of Art and Design (MCAD) is proud to announce that we are partnering with to offer a FREE, open online course for the first time entitled, Biomimicry: A Sustainable Design Methodology. This course will be a fun introduction to biomimicry, a sustainability framework where we learn from nature’s best design ideas to help us solve human design challenges. SIGN UP FOR FREE! Course dates The course will run for 4 weeks from March 23-April 20,...

Carnegie Foundation Community Engagement seal
Feb 03, 2015

Otis Recognized for Community Engagement by Carnegie Foundation

Congratulations to Otis College of Art and Design for being recognized in their efforts in community engagement! The following excerpt comes from the school website: "Otis College of Art and Design is honored to be among the select group of colleges and universities in the United States designated this year to receive the Carnegie Foundation’s prestigious 2015 Community Engagement Classification. The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching has selected 240 U.S....