AICAD Welcomes It’s Newest Member: Delaware College of Art and Design
The Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design is pleased to announce the addition of a new member institution in the Delaware College of Art and Design.
AICAD is pleased to announce the addition of Delaware College of Art & Design (DCAD) to its membership. DCAD is a specialized, fully accredited two-year institution offering a degree program and curriculum that provides its students a solid base from which to expand their learning at any of the Bachelor level professional degree programs offered by AICAD member institutions.
DCAD is the first institution to join AICAD under its new membership criteria, adopted by the organization’s Board of Trustees in October 2020. The new criteria extends membership to all specialized institutions offering professional degree programs in the creative fields – visual art, architecture, design, and the performing arts – as well as two year specialized institutions and colleges or schools of the creative fields within private, non-profit institutions with demonstrable autonomy.
“We are thrilled to have DCAD as a member institution of AICAD,” said Deborah Obalil, President & Executive Director. “We know that may of their students continue on to complete BFA degrees at our other member institutions, so having them as part of the network is a gain for all.”
The Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design – is a non-profit consortium of 39 leading art schools in the US and Canada, as well as 7 international affiliates. It was founded in 1991 by a group of 25 presidents who felt a need for the similarly structured art schools to come together so as to mutually develop their schools and programs. Our mission is to help strengthen the member colleges individually and collectively, and to inform the public about these colleges and the value of studying art and design.